NeuroMovement(R) specialist Adrienne Penebre helps you tap the brain's first language, movement, to overcome physiological hurdles and improve your quality of life. Whether you seek freedom from pain, recovery after injury, improved vitality, upgraded performance & skill, or higher function for a child with special needs, Adrienne can help move you beyond limiting habits into new and inspiring possibilities. Through the Anat Baniel Method(R) , an innovative and powerful approach to maximizing human potential, your brain becomes the playing field for practical neuroplasticity: learning new ways of being through action. Neurophysica is the premiere practice on Florida's Gulf Coast dedicated exclusively to the Anat Baniel Method(R) of Neuromovement(R).
"Best batting average on the team! I see a noticeable change in MY SON'S performance!" -Michael, Dad/Coach
"x -Mary, 70/ severe arthritis
"W. is holding his bottle by himself now! I am excited by all the little changes I am seeing."
-Melissa, Mom (24 month boy, dev. delays) |
"I just feel better."
"I was astonished today, when B. asked to jump rope. Adrienne's work deserves the credit! I am dazzled!"

Hello curious one!
What, you may ask, does moving better have to do with the brain? Everything! Our brain is the most powerful tool we have for upgrading our own biological functioning. And sensing movement is the brain's first language, opening the way to our experience of life. When we move with quality, specifically with attention to self, and in subtle ways, we are evoking the brain, like a seafaring explorer, to charter new pathways. Rather than "fixing" limitations, I provide the content and conditions for your brain to seek and grow new neural connections. All this self-organizing gets the nervous system to perform better, and allows your brain to create its own solutions to limiting habits. This, my friend, is your own intelligence, growing in action! The process amazes me all the time. This is my work and my passion!
What, you may ask, does moving better have to do with the brain? Everything! Our brain is the most powerful tool we have for upgrading our own biological functioning. And sensing movement is the brain's first language, opening the way to our experience of life. When we move with quality, specifically with attention to self, and in subtle ways, we are evoking the brain, like a seafaring explorer, to charter new pathways. Rather than "fixing" limitations, I provide the content and conditions for your brain to seek and grow new neural connections. All this self-organizing gets the nervous system to perform better, and allows your brain to create its own solutions to limiting habits. This, my friend, is your own intelligence, growing in action! The process amazes me all the time. This is my work and my passion!
Children w/Special NeedsChildren with special needs reach new possibilities through this process as we harness the remarkable power of their brain to change, regardless of their diagnosis. They become better thinkers, movers, sensors and learners!
Those Who Want To Feel and Move BetterAdults seeking to upgrade function will find this process powerful for help with pain relief and recovery, mobility and strength, higher levels of skill and performance, and combating the signs of an aging brain-body.
About Adrienne
Adrienne Penebre studied The Anat Baniel Method(R) with Anat Baniel and Marcy Lindheimer, and earned her mastery trainings in Children with Special Needs, Anti-Aging & Vitality, and High Performers between 2009 and 2012. She continues advanced studies with ABM Master Trainer Sylvia Shordike, works as support staff at ABM Professional Trainings, and often serves as Ms. Baniel's personal assistant at workshops around the country.
Get in touch by email or find her on Facebook and Google+.
Get in touch by email or find her on Facebook and Google+.
The Anat Baniel Method
The Anat Baniel Method (ABM) is based on cutting-edge scientific theory and modern understanding of how our brain learns and transforms each of us as an integrated, dynamic system. ABM is built on the work of brilliant physicist and somatic pioneer Moshe Feldenkrais, and endorsed by leading pioneers in the neurosciences, such as Michael Merzenich, Jill Bolte Taylor, Martha Herbert, and many others. Click here to learn more about the Anat Baniel Method's unique scientific approach to movement and how it leads to higher functioning.
For a worldwide listing of certified NeuroMovement® professionals serving Children with Special Needs, please visit